
Servile Relocations Pvt. Ltd is committed to conducting business with the highest standards of ethics, integrity and compliance. As part of our commitment, we have implemented this Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy to prevent bribery and corruption in all our activities. This policy applies to all employees, agents and business partners of Servile Relocations.

Prohibition of Bribery and Corruption

  • Bribery: Bribery is strictly prohibited. Employees, agents and business partners of Servile must not offer, promise, give, or receive any form of bribe, or improper payment, whether in cash or in-kind, to any person or entity, including public officials, to obtain or retain business or secure any improper advantage.
  • Facilitation Payments: Servile strictly prohibits facilitation payments, and no employee or representative should make or receive such payments.
  • Extortion and Protection Payments: Servile Relocation does not tolerate extortion or demands for protection payments. Employees and representatives should report any such incidents to the appropriate authorities and management immediately.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Employees and business partners of Servile Relocations must avoid circumstances in which their personal interest’s conflict with those of the company. Conflicts of interest, whether genuine or hypothetical, must be immediately notified to
  • Gifts, hospitality, and entertainment should not be accepted or given by employees or representatives if they might compromise or appear to undermine their integrity or judgement. Gifts, hospitality, and entertainment must all be reasonable, open, and in accordance with all laws and rules that may be in force.

Due Diligence and Third-Party Relationships

  • Servile Relocations conducts appropriate due diligence on its business partners, including suppliers, agents, consultants, and contractors, to ensure they have a commitment to ethical business practices and comply with applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws
  • Contractual Provisions: Contracts and agreements with business partners should include clear provisions requiring compliance with anti-bribery and corruption laws.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

  • Reporting Violations: Employees, agents, and partners of Servile Relocations must promptly report any suspected or actual violations of this policy to their immediate supervisor, the management.
  • Non-Retaliation: Servile Relocations prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports a suspected violation of this policy in good faith. Any employee found to be involved in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment

Training and Communication

  • Training: Servile Relocations will provide appropriate training programs to ensure employees and representatives understand this policy, recognize bribery and corruption risks.
  • Communication: This policy will be communicated to all employees, agents, and partners through various channels such as employee handbook, internet portals, and training materials.

Compliance and Consequences

  • Compliance: All employees, agents, and partners are required to comply with this policy and applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or contractual relationships.
  • Monitoring and Auditing: Servile Relocations will periodically monitor and audit compliance with this policy to ensure its effectiveness and make necessary improvements.

Servile Relocations Pvt. Ltd. is committed to conducting business with integrity, transparency, and fairness. This Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy provides guidance to employees, agents, and business partners to prevent bribery and corruption and to maintain a culture of ethical conduct. It is the responsibility of every individual associated with Servile Relocations to uphold this policy and report any violations promptly.